Are you eating enough protein?It can be easy to overlook the foundational role that dietary protein plays in our …
The Pregnenolone Steal
Pregnenolone steal is frequently responsible for the hormonal fluctuations experienced by many women. Including during …
Anxiety and Histamine – Are they connected?
Are you experiencing the symptoms of histamine intolerance along with anxiety? Ever wondered if anxiety and histamine …
Mast Cells and Hypermobility: The Elastase Connection
Do you experience hypermobile joints, joint instability, or chronic pain? Are you dealing with histamine intolerance? …
Mast Cells and Hypermobility: The Elastase ConnectionRead More
Caffeine & histamine intolerance, are they connected?
Caffeine is a widely consumed stimulant found in coffee, tea, energy drinks and even chocolate. It's known for its …
Caffeine & histamine intolerance, are they connected?Read More
The Thyroid, Autoimmune conditions and histamine intolerance, are they connected?
Do you know that there is an increased likelihood of autoimmune conditions if you have histamine intolerance, mast cell …
The Thyroid, Autoimmune conditions and histamine intolerance, are they connected?Read More
Candida and histamine intolerance – Can candida be making it worse?
Did you know that there are 79 toxins that can be released by candida? And one of them is histamine?What?! So there …
Candida and histamine intolerance – Can candida be making it worse?Read More
Could Snacking Make Histamine Intolerance Symptoms Worse?
Is snacking making your gut symptoms and histamine intolerance worse? I find a lot of my clients are frequently snacking …
Could Snacking Make Histamine Intolerance Symptoms Worse?Read More
The importance of mindful eating
Are you struggling with bloating, heartburn, reflux, indigestion, gas, constipation, or undigested food in your stool? …
What chemicals can make histamine intolerance worse?
In our lives, we have toxins all around, from the air that we breathe, the products that we use and the food we consume. …
What chemicals can make histamine intolerance worse?Read More
Top 10 high histamine foods
Sometimes we have crazy symptoms occurring and we don't know why! The best way to figure out if histamine is an issue is …
Top 12 quercetin-rich foods for histamine intolerance
Quercetin-rich foods and histamine intolerance, have you heard about it? What is quercetin and how does it relate …
Top 12 quercetin-rich foods for histamine intoleranceRead More