Luanne Hopkinson
GradDipHumNutr BSc ADipNutrMed INHC ATMS
Nutritionist and Mindset Coach
Congratulations on the first step towards achieving your health goals!
For mindset coaching including The MAP Method(TM), brain retraining or neuroplasticity coaching, or the Safe and Sound Protocol book below.
Coaching services do not include nutritional consultation, lab test reviews, personalised nutrition or supplement advice. This is only available in the Happy Without Histamine Method.
Luanne does not take private nutrition clients. To work with my team 1:1 to resolve your histamine intolerance apply for the Happy Without Histamine Method by clicking the button below.
The Happy Without Histamine Method is currently closed – please join the waitlist by registering below.
What is the MAP Method(TM)?
MAP is the number 1 method available to clear subconscious blocks. It’s easy, safe, gentle and very fast! Using the latest research in neuroscience, the MAP Method allows us to rewire long-term memories, even ones created in childhood, by simply training the brain to find the negative unconscious memories and then neutralise the ‘unwanted’ traumas, beliefs, negative thoughts and emotions, including sabotaging patterns, within minutes.
This means that you don’t have to know, remember the origin, or understand why you even have a block. Using the guidance provided in a MAP session you can easily and safely release the inner blocks limiting you from achieving true happiness and success in life. You do not even have to dive deep into the memory!
“Blocks” are simply memories that have led to behaviours that are not supporting you. Once the memory has been disconnected from the negative emotion, it doesn’t affect your behaviours anymore. The result is long-lasting and once you begin reacting differently to your experiences, you begin to create new memories and ‘new wiring’ which reinforces the change.

Stuck dealing with confusing, frustrating and chronic symptoms and can’t seem to figure out why?
Join BrainFood and learn how to use the latest Neuroscience to help your body heal.
Use easy tools to reduce symptoms, calm anxiety, improve sleep, increase tolerance to foods and activities and get better results from treatments.

Do you want to learn how to eat an anti-inflammatory, gut-healing, low-histamine diet the right way?
With easy recipes, meal plans, handouts, and everything you need in a self-paced course – start the Easy Low Histamine Diet Kickstart course today.
Reduce your symptoms with delicious food and eat with ease.
Read more about Luanne’s story here
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