Most Asian meals have high histamine ingredients such as fish, oyster, soy or chilli sauce. They also use a lot of higher histamine vegetables like capsicum and chilli. This recipe gives me a delicious low histamine fix when I’m craving Pho. I make this dish regularly for lunch as its so quick and easy.
Brown rice noodles are fairly easy to find in the stores, yummy and add a little more fibre to the dish than the white noodles shown in the recipe below. If your chicken is frozen you may need to cook a little longer. I keep shredded chicken in the freezer and just grab a palm sized handful per person and throw it in. It will defrost and heat up in a few minutes. You can use the low histamine chicken broth for this recipe. Freeze your broth in single use containers (I use 365ml jam jars) and you can throw this dish together in minutes.
Find out which foods are low and high in histamine and how to shop store and cook them in the Happy Without Histamine low histamine foods list.

Asian style chicken noodle soup
- 2 bunches choy sum pack choi or bok choy
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 cup chicken broth or vegetable broth
- 100 grams cooked chicken fresh or frozen
- 1/8 tsp sea salt
- 90 grams rice noodles flat style
- 1 tbsp garlic oil
- 1/4 cup parsley leaves chopped
- Wash and chop the choy sum into small pieces.
- Bring a pot of water to the boil for the noodles.
- Add the olive oil, chicken, choy sum, salt and broth to a small pan and bring to the boil.
- Lower to a simmer and cook for 8 minutes or until vegetables look cooked through.
- Meanwhile cook your rice noodles in boiling water to packet directions (usually around 6 minutes).
- Drain your noodles and add to serving bowls. Pour over the cooked chicken and vegetable broth.
- Top with a drizzle of garlic oil, parsley or coriander leaves.
All nutritional information is based on third-party calculations and should be considered estimates. Actual nutritional content may vary.
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Use this low histamine chicken broth recipe for all the flavour and less histamine than store bought.

Get delicious low histamine recipes in the Ultra-Low Histamine Meal Plan. Your low histamine elimination diet made easy with 4-weekly meal plans, over 55 recipes, prep guides, and shopping lists for each week.