The nervous system is central to controlling and coordinating essential functions. The nervous system influences …
Self-Care with Histamine Intolerance
Living with histamine intolerance and related chronic conditions can often feel like an uphill battle, with symptoms …
How to reduce holiday stress
A Guide to a Peaceful Festive SeasonThe festive season is often portrayed as a time of joy, togetherness, and …
Exercise and Histamine Intolerance
Ever gone to the gym to workout or tried to exercise outside, only to find that 5 minutes in, you feel light-headed, …
Anxiety and Histamine – Are they connected?
Are you experiencing the symptoms of histamine intolerance along with anxiety? Ever wondered if anxiety and histamine …
Could Snacking Make Histamine Intolerance Symptoms Worse?
Is snacking making your gut symptoms and histamine intolerance worse? I find a lot of my clients are frequently snacking …
Could Snacking Make Histamine Intolerance Symptoms Worse?Read More
The importance of mindful eating
Are you struggling with bloating, heartburn, reflux, indigestion, gas, constipation, or undigested food in your stool? …
What chemicals can make histamine intolerance worse?
In our lives, we have toxins all around, from the air that we breathe, the products that we use and the food we consume. …
What chemicals can make histamine intolerance worse?Read More
Top 10 high histamine foods
Sometimes we have crazy symptoms occurring and we don't know why! The best way to figure out if histamine is an issue is …
Top 12 quercetin-rich foods for histamine intolerance
Quercetin-rich foods and histamine intolerance, have you heard about it? What is quercetin and how does it relate …
Top 12 quercetin-rich foods for histamine intoleranceRead More
Tips for travelling with histamine intolerance
When you're in your normal routine of work, preparing your own meals & socialising at places you know, living with …
Fatigue – Could leaky gut be the reason?
Do you constantly feel fatigued? Tired no matter how much sleep you get? You've tried everything and still …