Most Asian meals have high histamine ingredients such as fish, oyster, soy or chilli sauce. They also use a lot of …
Low histamine chicken broth recipe
When I first switched to a low histamine diet I really missed chicken stock. I used to cook my chicken stock, using the …
Could kombucha (and other fermented foods) be bad for me?
I remember early in my health journey, when I was looking for a way to help my IBS. First, I went gluten free. Then, I …
Could kombucha (and other fermented foods) be bad for me?Read More
Why and how, to follow a low histamine diet
If you are experiencing symptoms of seasonal allergies, rashes, itchy watery eyes, brain fog, fatigue, hives, …
Apple sauce
Apples are a source of pectin, a non-starch polysaccharide that is humans don't digest. The pectin is food for …
Low histamine – PMS busting – bircher muesli recipe
You may have noticed that your hormones increase your histamine load, particularly in the lead-up to the start of the …
Low histamine – PMS busting – bircher muesli recipeRead More
Roasted zucchini dip recipe – low histamine
Zucchini or courgette are low in histamine and make a great dip. This dip is perfect in wraps, on crackers or with …
Low histamine apple spiced oatmeal cookies
These cookies are irresistible and make low histamine eating much more fun. If you know you tolerate other types of …